Built For You

MySocial.Info is here to help everyone protect their name and identity online. Anyone can easily be impersonated online in a matter of clicks, just by having their name and image stolen. To combat this, MySocial.Info is the go-to source to verify someones identity.
Insight: Imposter accounts use social engineering to trick users into giving away sensitive information, allowing others to gain access to their accounts. 1

Helping You Be Found

You are front and center on our site. We make sure only the data you want published can be found by search engines and websites like Google, Bing, and Duck Duck Go. By joining MySocial.Info, you get a unique page and URL that you can share to help others find you faster.
Insight: Having a page dedicated to you and all of your online content will help grow your personal brand faster with our search engine optimization. 2

Security & Safety In Mind

We utilize data encryption, secure connections, ETC to not only protect you, but also your private information. If you still have questions about us, check out our FAQ page for more info.
Insight: It's near impossible to decrypt a 256-bit key, which is exactly what we use to keep your data secure. 3